Sam Burns

Sam Burns

Software architect, hacker, conference speaker.
Typing away in the UK.

Sam Burns’ Tech Blog

Welcome to my blog, where I explore the world of application security research, software architecture, and programming languages such as Go and PHP. Here you’ll find insights, practical tips, and information about the latest trends, aimed at a technical audience. If you’re into coding and improving software security, join me as I navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology and innovation.

Latest Posts

WTF is BDD Then?

Behaviour-Driven Development is a widely misused term in software development. This article takes a look at what BDD actually is.

October 14, 2024 · Sam Burns

You're Not Doing BDD

Behaviour-Driven Development is now such a widely misused term in software development, if you think you’re doing BDD, you’re probably not.

October 14, 2024 · Sam Burns

Test Automation in Cryptography

A novel kind of test automation being used in the Go runtime caught my attention. The unique requirements for a crypto library test suite lead to an unexpected approach testing.

October 11, 2024 · Sam Burns