Gophercon UK '24 Talk - Let's Go Quantum

Gophercon UK ‘24 talk: Let’s Go Quantum

August 19, 2024 · Sam Burns

Post-Quantum Webserver

Wring a webserver using Go 1.23rc2 and Kyber Post-Quantum Cryptography

July 28, 2024 · Sam Burns

X25519Kyber768Draft00 Post-Quantum Cryptography Standard

The X25519Kyber768Draft00 standard is a hybrid elliptic curve/post-quantum key exchange in use now for TLS 1.3

July 9, 2024 · Sam Burns

Go Post-Quantum with Caddy

Cloudflare’s fork of Go adds post-quantum cryptography. Compiling Caddy with CFGo gives you a TLS handshake which is secure against store-now-decrypt-later quantum computer cryptanalysis.

July 7, 2024 · Sam Burns

London Gophers Oct '23 Talk - Go Quantum

Video of my Go Quantum talk, London Gophers meetup, October 2023

April 15, 2024 · Sam Burns